Video Updates — godtest
ENGAGE Training Day in Johannesburg, South Africa
A 5min South African report with Dr Rice Broocks, in the ENGAGE2020 Seminar at the His People Johannesburg Church.
GodTest-ing 1,000 Students at Texas State!
Dr Rice Broocks joins Peter Dusan & six campus ministries to take 1,000 Texas State students through TheGodTest.
GodTest-imony at Texas State
Simply using TheGodTest, Peter Dusan shows how Steven's life was transformed, and how Stephen then shares his faith with 500 other students at Texas State University.
TheGodTest at UCLA
Dr Rice Broocks, Pastors Dave Polus & Mike Gowans, and a team of 50 young people hit the campuses of Los Angeles with the GodTest, leading many students to Christ.